miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

Suspended blog

From 20/05/2020 (today) this blog will be temporarily suspended. You can visit Wix's blog, where I show the material I publish.

Some time ago I published two or three times the same thing in different sites, but I prefer to join the users who see this content in one place, and this have more comfort.

I will use this BLOG only in case I have problems with my personal site.




sábado, 9 de mayo de 2020

News! visit the new Forum!

Now all level 2 subscribers onwards will be able to access the new forum, find out about ongoing projects, future projects, view exclusive forum images and much more. From now on, news on the blog will be limited to finished and published works. I will continue to show some images of each finished comic or project.

To enter you must go to the menu Blog-news and choose Forum

I'll be waiting for you on the forum!

Fragment "Granddaughter à la carte V" (in progress) (aun en construcción)

The first 29 pages of the comic have been published. I'm still working on it, and I plan to make a 100-page or more comic book.

You can see the comic HERE

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

Various news

Don't forget, your monetary support helps me to keep working so I can share free comics more regularly. If you like what I do, and you can help me... I'd appreciate it.

New images have been added to the gallery

New free images on the Wix blog

New comic!


Added the images without text from the comic "The arcade remake"

65 Advance unedited images of "Granddaughter à la carte V"

jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Granddaughter à la carte 4 (Now free!) + extra + Complete saga!!!

Now that the last issue is underway, I want to share the fourth issue for free. I have included a pack so you can download all four editions of this saga.

Ahora que el último número está en proceso, quiero compartir gratuitamente la cuarta entrega. He incluído un pack para que puedan descargar las cuatro ediciones de esta saga.
La versión en español solo está disponible para descargar via MEGA.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Previews and images Granddaughter à la carte V

The gallery and a summary of the first thirty pages of the comic are already published.
I plan to put together a 100-page story and give an ending to this series, but I will only know when I finish it.
In order to fulfill and give new material regularly to my higher level subscribers, I thought to publish this kind of previews about some important comics. Once the comic is published, the images from the gallery will go to the corresponding level gallery (which you can visit anyway).
The comic is right now on page 30, but the story is just beginning. Anyway, while I take some pause to rest my mind, I'll upload some other things.
I give you two pages of the comic, although as many of you know, I do it in spanish first because it's my language.
Level 4 subscribers can find the gallery in "IMAGES LVL 4"

lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

You can visit the first gallery of the MODELS/COSPLAY section

More images of the beautiful Starlight/Sabrina will be added later and we will continue to tell her story.

I give you some images